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Guidelines for Authors
1. Manuscript Format:
- Manuscripts should be typewritten on A-4 size paper with 1" margin all around.
- Use Times New Roman font in font size 12.
- Maintain double spacing throughout the document.

2. Mandatory Submission Requirements:
- Authors must include a Declaration form (Schedule ‘A’) confirming the originality of the work.
- A Plagiarism report is essential and must be submitted along with the manuscript.

3. Language and Word Limit:
- The journal publishes in ENGLISH only - The articles, research papers and review papers should not exceed 3000-3500 words.

4. Abstract:
- Authors must provide an abstract on a separate sheet.
- The abstract should be concise, in a single paragraph not exceeding 250-300 words.

5. Title and Author Information:
- Present the Title of the paper on a separate sheet.
- Include the name(s) of author(s) and their affiliations.
- Authors' identities should not be disclosed elsewhere in the manuscript.

6. Headings and Subheadings:
- Use short and concise headings in either Title case or Sentence case.
- Subheadings should be typed in bold and written in sentence case.

7. Tables:
- Number tables consecutively as 1,2,3 respectively.
- Each table must have a clear and informative title.

8. Figures and Diagrams:
- Avoid adding unnecessary tables and diagrams.
- Group figures to prevent distortion upon reduction.

9. Citations and Referencing:
- Use latest APA style for in-text citations and the References section.
- Ensure that in-text citations and the References section are in agreement.

10. Certificate: The article must be supported with (a) Certificate of the author of academic/research publication in the proforma prescribed in schedule ‘A’, (b) Plagiarism report on being checked through a Plagiarism detection tool.

11. Mode of Submission: Soft copy of the article must be sent through email at Hard copy is to be sent to college by post for Print format.

12. No Publication Fees needed.

13. Copyright: Copyright of published article shall belong to Gopal Chandra Memorial College of Education, publisher of 'Educatum'.

Following these submission guidelines ensures consistency and adherence to academic standards, facilitating the review process and enhancing the chance of acceptance for publication in the Educatum. All manuscripts and correspondences should be addressed to:

Editor in Chief
Educatum, Gopal Chandra Memorial College of Education
79/1, Haripada Biswas Sarani,
P.O. New Barrackpore,
West Bengal, India

Schedule ‘A’
Certificate of the author of academic/research publication

Name of the article: ..............................

I, .............................., do hereby confirm and declare, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation 6(c) of the UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION (PROMOTION OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PREVENTION OF PLAGIRISM IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION) REGULATIONS, 2018, that the article/research publication, hereafter referred to as the ‘document’ named above, has been prepared by me and that the document is my original work and free of any plagiarism. I further declare that the article has not been published anywhere else or sent for publication in any other journal.

I further confirm and declare, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation 6(d) of the Regulations 2018 that the said document has been duly checked through a Plagiarism detection tool approved by the Higher Education Institution (HEI) and in terms of the provisions of Regulation 8(i) read with Regulation 12.2, plagiarism has been quantified at level 0: Similarities up to 10% (in the instant case .......... %).

Dated: ....................

Signature of the Author